Prostate cancer

Since the small prostate gland is a part of the male reproductive system, only men can get prostate cancer. This relatively common form of cancer tends to be found in older men, especially those who have other significant health issues.

The prostate gland is found below the bladder. It produces some of the fluid in semen, and is important in the control of urine.

The 9/11 Prostate Cancer Connection

Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer found to be linked to the WTC attack in 2001. It is estimated that those in the 9/11 Exposure Zone during and after the event have about a 16% higher chance than normal of eventually developing prostate cancer.

At least half a million people, residents as well as responders, had been impacted by inhaling and ingesting airborne toxic materials in the streets of lower Manhattan when the towers fell. That carcinogenic dust remained for months, penetrating even indoor furnishings and HVAC systems. Learn more about the 9/11 Exposure Zone.

Although prostate cancer tends to affect older men, even those in their mid-30s have been found to be victims of 9/11 prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer Symptoms

Symptoms of early-stage 9/11 prostate cancer include frequent urges to urinate, especially at night. Also, difficulty beginning and continuing urination; painful urination; and blood in the urine.

Symptoms at more advanced stages include bone pain, including the spine, pelvis, ribs or femur, as well as an increased chance of bone fractures. If the cancer spreads to the spine, incontinence can become an issue.

Prostate Cancer Treatment & Prognosis

For younger men, prostate cancer is often successfully treated, as long as it is detected early, before it has a chance to spread. That’s why regular testing and ‘active surveillance’ by a qualified cancer doctor are so important.

Treatment options depend on the stage that the disease has progressed to. Generally, treatments that have been found to be effective include chemotherapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy, proton beam radiation, surgery, and a highly focused form of ultrasound.

For older men, you should know that 9/11 prostate cancer grows slowly, with a long latency period between initial exposure and cancer onset, so it may not become a serious medical condition in your lifetime. However successful treatment may still be possible.

Learn more about prostate cancer from the American Cancer Society.

Compensation for 9/11 Prostate Cancer Victims

The 9/11 Victim’s Compensation Fund (part of The Zadroga Act) offers financial reimbursement for medical expenses and related costs associated with prostate cancer that was caused by the 2001 terrorist attack.

Find out more about the Victim’s Compensation Fund, eligibility, next steps, deadlines, what it covers, and more.

Financial Compensation – actual Kreindler 9/11 VCF client:

$261,000 for a New York Deputy Sheriff with a diagnosis of Rhinitis and Prostate Cancer.

If you have a diagnosis of prostate cancer that you believe may be related to 9/11, call Kreindler at (877) 505-0090 or click for helpful answers about your eligibility for compensation.

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